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Admin Docs

Function: default()

default(__namedParameters): Element

Defined in: src/components/Venues/VenueModal.tsx:56

A modal component for creating or updating venue information.

This component displays a modal window where users can enter details for a venue, such as name, description, capacity, and an image. It also handles submitting the form data to create or update a venue based on whether the edit prop is true or false.






The rendered modal component.

CSS Strategy Explanation:

To ensure consistency across the application and reduce duplication, common styles (such as button styles) have been moved to the global CSS file. Instead of using component-specific classes (e.g., .greenregbtnOrganizationFundCampaign, .greenregbtnPledge), a single reusable class (e.g., .addButton) is now applied.


  • **Reduces redundant CSS code.
  • **Improves maintainability by centralizing common styles.
  • **Ensures consistent styling across components.

Global CSS Classes used:

  • .inputField

For more details on the reusable classes, refer to the global CSS file.