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Admin Docs

Function: default()

default(): JSX.Element

Defined in: src/App.tsx:74

This is the main function for our application. It sets up all the routes and components, defining how the user can navigate through the app. The function uses React Router's Routes and Route components to map different URL paths to corresponding screens and components.

Important Details

  • UseEffect Hook: This hook checks user authentication status using the CHECK_AUTH GraphQL query.
  • Plugins: It dynamically loads additional routes for any installed plugins.
  • Routes:
    • The root route ("/") takes the user to the LoginPage.
    • Protected routes are wrapped with the SecuredRoute component to ensure they are only accessible to authenticated users.
    • Admin and Super Admin routes allow access to organization and user management screens.
    • User portal routes allow end-users to interact with organizations, settings, chat, events, etc.



The rendered routes and components of the application.