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Function: default()

default(props, deprecatedLegacyContext?): ReactNode

Defined in: src/screens/OrganizationFunds/FundModal.tsx:69

FundModal component provides a modal dialog for creating or editing a fund. It allows users to input fund details and submit them to the server.

This component handles both the creation of new funds and the editing of existing funds, based on the mode prop. It displays a form with fields for the fund's name, description, and other relevant details. Upon submission, it interacts with the GraphQL API to save or update the fund details and triggers a refetch of the fund data.


  • isOpen: A boolean indicating whether the modal is open or closed.
  • hide: A function to close the modal.
  • refetchFunds: A function to refetch the fund list after a successful operation.
  • fund: The current fund object being edited or null if creating a new fund.
  • orgId: The ID of the organization to which the fund belongs.
  • mode: The mode of the modal, either 'edit' or 'create'.


  • name: The name of the fund.
  • description: The description of the fund.
  • amount: The amount associated with the fund.
  • status: The status of the fund (e.g., active, archived).


  • handleSubmit(): Handles form submission, creates or updates the fund, and triggers a refetch of the fund list.
  • handleChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>): Updates the state based on user input.








React Docs



The rendered modal dialog.

CSS Strategy Explanation:

To ensure consistency across the application and reduce duplication, common styles (such as button styles) have been moved to the global CSS file. Instead of using component-specific classes (e.g., .greenregbtnOrganizationFundCampaign, .greenregbtnPledge), a single reusable class (e.g., .addButton) is now applied.


  • **Reduces redundant CSS code.
  • **Improves maintainability by centralizing common styles.
  • **Ensures consistent styling across components.

Global CSS Classes used:

  • .switch

For more details on the reusable classes, refer to the global CSS file.