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Function: useAppDispatch()

useAppDispatch<AppDispatch>(): AppDispatch

Defined in: src/state/hooks.ts:5

Returns the dispatch function from the Redux store.

Type Parameters

AppDispatch extends ThunkDispatch<{ appRoutes: { components: ComponentType[]; targets: TargetsType[]; }; plugins: any; userRoutes: { components: ComponentType[]; targets: TargetsType[]; }; }, undefined, UnknownAction> & Dispatch<InterfaceAction> = ThunkDispatch<{ appRoutes: { components: ComponentType[]; targets: TargetsType[]; }; plugins: any; userRoutes: { components: ComponentType[]; targets: TargetsType[]; }; }, undefined, UnknownAction> & Dispatch<InterfaceAction>

The specific type of the dispatch function.



The dispatch function from the Redux store.